Deb Walkenhorst

Finding her creative side late in life while on maternity leave, Deb Walkenhorst is a mother of two, a wife, school teacher by day, and an artist by night.

Studying part time at CIT and exploring all aspects of Visual Arts, Deb has dabbled in many forms of art including sewing, sculpture, painting and printing, just to name a few.

Art, Not Apart

…the most intense, exciting, or important point of something; the culmination.

That is climax. But when do we, as humans reach fully reach climax? Do we ever? Apart from the obvious sexual connotations, when do we stop and reflect on the idea of reaching climax?

Humans are always chasing the climax.  As an artist, we are always chasing that idea of climax. Of the finished piece. But it is those intense moments leading up to that that we live for, that drives us to keep making, tinkering, manipulating. Do artists ever reach climax? The writer, always striving to hit that perfect turning point in their story, the twist in the tale that enthrals the reader. Do authors ever reach climax?

Great literary works from the beginning of time celebrate the conflict, climax and resolution. The human condition reflects this. Some people thrive on the drama of conflict. Do they ever reach climax?

Even when we think of the sexual climax, it is fleeting. A moment in time. But we continually chase it. Crave it. Even fake it.

This exhibit is inspired by the Post Secret project, where people can send in postcards of their deepest and darkest secrets.

Be stimulated. Come and visit Deb at Art, Not Apart, be your own artist and add to an interactive piece describing your moment of climax. You can write, draw, describe your own version of climax.  From the lead up, the actual event and the aftermath. Describe that decisive moment that was of maximum intensity. The joy, the horror, all of the feelings attached to it. Hang it on the tree and read what others feel about their moment of climax.

Read more about Art, Not Apart at See you there!